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Legacy gifts to the Harnhill Centre of Christian Healing from people like you are crucial to our future work. It’s easy to leave a legacy, helping us be there for anyone who needs the ministry that Harnhill offers, well beyond your lifetime. Why Leave a Legacy to The Harnhill Centre of Christian Healing? Leaving a legacy to the Harnhill Centre of Christian Healing is a wonderful way to make your support for Harnhill live on. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of the team, by telephone on 01285 850283 or email at

Ways to Leave a Legacy

You do not have to be wealthy to leave a legacy and you will probably want to provide for your loved ones first. But a gift of any size will make a difference to what Harnhill can offer in the way of ministry to those in need.
There are various ways to remember us:

  • A residuary gift allows you to leave Harnhill a share of your estate left over once your family has been taken care of.
  • A pecuniary gift is a specified amount of money left to Harnhill.
  • A reversionary gift allows you to leave your estate to your dependents while they are living, but after they pass away it will revert to Harnhill.
  • Specific Legacy – a specific item, for example jewellery or furniture
  • Including your wishes in your Will is straightforward. If you already have a Will, all you need to do is add a codicil. If you have not written a Will yet, we recommend that you consult a solicitor or Will writing service.

Our Promise

A legacy to Harnhill is a promise for the future, a promise that means we shall be able to continue to minister the love and healing power of Jesus to all who come to Harnhill. In return, this is our promise to you.

  • Your family and friends are important. We will always understand that everyone you hold dear comes first.
  • Your privacy is paramount. We appreciate that your will is personal to you.
  • Your decision is yours alone. We will always respect your need to carefully consider leaving a legacy – in your own time.
  • Every single penny you give will help changes lives. We will spend your money wisely – where it will have the most impact.
  • We care. We will handle your legacy gift with the utmost sensitivity and respect.
  • We’re discreet. You don’t have to tell us if you leave a gift to Harnhill, but if you do, it will help us plan future work, and we will keep your decision completely confidential.
  • We are always here. If there is anything you want to know about your legacy, or the communities you are helping to support, please get in touch.