Training Days
The Harnhill Centre provides training courses on, or relevant to, Christian Healing. We offer onsite courses throughout the year, which cover the basic principles of setting up prayer ministry within a church community, as well as more in-depth training on particular issues often shared within prayer ministry. These courses are suitable for those who are new to the healing ministry and those who already have experience but are seeking to refresh their learning.
Three course bundle: Book all three courses for 2025 at a special rate of £120.00. Please phone the office to book or for further details.
‘The Ministry of Healing within the Local Church’
Saturday 1st February 2025: 10am – 4pm and Saturday 11th October 2025: 10am – 4pm
This day is ideal for Healing Ministry groups and individuals with an interest in the healing ministry. The course will include the ‘health’ of the prayer minister, practical advice for prayer ministry and an opportunity for prayer ministry practice.
£45 Tea and coffee provided, please bring a packed lunch.
‘Tools for the Healing Ministry’
Saturday 29th March 2025 : 10am – 4pm and Saturday 22nd November 2025
This course, led by members of the Harnhill Team is the next step on from our ‘Ministry in the Local Church’ day course. We will cover topics that will include forgiveness, how to listen well and handing over burdens to the Lord. There will be practical opportunities within the sessions.
£45 Tea and coffee provided, please bring a packed lunch.
‘Finding Wholeness – discovering who we were created to be’
Saturday 29th November 2025: 10am-4pm
This course, led by members of the Harnhill Team will be looking at our identify in God and particularly those areas of pain that can detract from this. We will be looking at shame, rejection, and identity. NB this course is designed to help prayer ministers to minister into these areas. If you would like to receive healing in these areas for yourself, please see our residential retreat “Discovering my Identity as a Child of God”.
£45 Tea and coffee provided, please bring a packed lunch.
To book our training days, click on the buttons on this page for the day you would like to attend.
You may select the number of tickets you would like to purchase, though numbers are limited and if fully booked, you will see a notification that it is unavailable or out of stock.
Proceed to the checkout to provide your personal details and pay using your debit/credit card or PayPal should you wish. You will receive a confirmation by email from the website once payment has been accepted.
Supporting your church
The Harnhill team can respond to any queries about the development of the healing ministry in your church and open to invitations to speak on the subject. Please contact the team for further information.
Mentorship programme
For those who would like to be considered to join the Harnhill Prayer Team, please contact the Centre for further information about the application process and Mentorship Programme.
More Questions?
If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to call 01285 850283